Holster Belt Clip: Monoblock Step-by-Step Guide
Many customers have inquired about the most effective method for securely attaching an Inside Waistband Holster equipped with a Monoblock to their belt. This article outlines the step-by-step process I employ to safely and efficiently manipulate the Monoblock clip with my holster and magazine carrier.
Step 1: Preparation
- Assess the Draw: Before holstering, determine your preferred carry position (strong-side, cross-draw, etc.) and ensure it allows for a smooth, unhindered draw. I have found that carrying appendix with a magazine carrier on the opposite side of center is most comfortable for me.
- Belt Check: Verify your belt is securely fastened and can adequately support the weight of your firearm and accessories. A high quality belt designed for concealed carry is crucial to safety and comfort when carrying a firearm inside your pants.
- Holster Inspection: Inspect your holster and Monoblock for any signs of wear or damage. Double check for loose or missing hardware.
Step 2: The Holster installation Process
The video below shows the step by step process explained here in detail. It might be helpful for you to scroll down to watch the video, then come back to the step by step instructions here for more detail if you need it.- Clothing: Clear all clothing garments to gain access to the area on your body where you intend to mount the holster.
- Grip: Maintain a firm grip on your firearm at all times, ensuring the muzzle direction is always pointed in a safe direction. Utilize your non-dominate hand to support the holster and you dominant hand to grip the holster, pistol and prep the Monoblock.
- Position: Using your dominant hand, press the holster firmly against your body directly above the spot inside your waistband where you intend to wear it. This helps keep the holster stable as you attach it.
- Belt: Use your non-dominant hand to pull the belt away from your body to allow the holster to slide down between your torso and the inside of your garment.
- Clip Engagement: Carefully position the Monoblock clip over the belt, applying firm pressure until you hear or feel it securely snap into place. The Modwing, designed to enhance concealment, should press against the inside area of your pants directly behind your belt, helping keep the grip of your firearm closer to your body.
- Magazine Carrier (if applicable): Attach the magazine carrier to your belt using the same technique described above.
- Final Check: Perform a quick check to ensure all components are securely fastened and the firearm is properly retained within the holster.
Safety Considerations:
- Never point your firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot, including yourself.
- Maintain proper trigger discipline at all times.
- Be mindful of your surroundings and the potential for accidental discharges.
- Practice proper holstering techniques regularly to build muscle memory and increase proficiency.
By following these steps and prioritizing safety, you can confidently and effectively holster your firearm using an IWB holster equipped with a Monoblock and Modwing system. Remember that proper holstering techniques are crucial for both safety and efficient firearm access.